Replace Your Memories

Many of us have problems with our childhood/early youth.
See, You are not special. Everybody has that.

You claim that :
– your parents didn’t raised you well,
– your school batchmates were bullying you,
– your siblings were not cooperative,
– your previous boyfriend/girlfriend was not good with you,
– you got humiliated by relatives, teachers, strangers, …
– your initial employment didn’t give you proper lift
… so on, so on.

In short, your past was not perfect, and many of the people were responsible for that. And you are not responsible, because you didn’t know what to do or because you didn’t had any control over the situation, you were helpless. And those memories are still haunting you after 10-20 years in your youth today, (or even 50-60 years in your old age today).

So, The Problem is :
– Maybe you are playing victim card to get free things
– Maybe you have developed victim consciousness over the years.
– Maybe you were actually a victim of circumstances

The Solution :
You are your child, until you have a child.
You are your son, until you have a son.
You are your daughter, until you have a daughter.
and even after that …

So, take responsibility to raise yourself now, as you would want that your parents would have raised you in that way. Because, now you are capable and responsible. Now you have the ability & control which you didn’t had in your childhood/early youth. Now you have information & money to do these things to yourself.

Your memories only mess you up, disturb you, till you are unaware of it. When you get to know it, it is your own responsibility to cure it. Just like you may be born with a genetic disease (eg. blindness, polio, …), so you have to take remedial measures. “Blind learn braille.” Simple. You don’t have to forget it or remove it, you have to learn how to ignore/adjust/live with it. And you are not special, everybody has a little different problem of this category. BUCK UP !! “Replace your memories”. This was something taught to me.

A Bone Fracture :
You can complain about bone-fracture in your leg, but don’t sit there with broken leg. Ask for help, take proper help from proper people, go to doctor, get bandage, get rest for 45 days, cure yourself, heal yourself, and then get back to normal. It is your responsibility to not remain bedridden, and use crutches. Then go for a walk like everybody else. And get back to your life, get back to your struggles & celebrations.

In the same way, whatever childhood trauma you have, whatever early youth tragedies you have, take responsibility of that, complain about it and cure it also. Complain & cure. You are not helpless, God & Universe are helping you 24×7. And free yourself from those memories.
Your past exist only as a memory, if you don’t access those memories, they don’t exist. Access those memories to cure them & get rid of them. And then, get busy in creating new wonderful memories of life.

A Computer System :
It is like you have a computer with 10,000+ films, you don’t remember all the names. You only remember, whether you have a particular film or not, when you search that film in the directory. You remember only the best & worst films, which are best or worst according to you (may 100 names max, other 9,900 you forget).
Same way, Age 28 = 10,000+ days. You don’t remember each and every day of your life in vivid details. You only remember, intense memories, both good & bad. But at the same time, in remembering those memories, you are wasting the time to create new memories. So, don’t get stuck even on good memories, let alone bad memories.

28 is peak of your youth energy, now you are fully responsible.
And after age 28, nobody is your parent, you are your own parent.
You have to raise yourself.

STUDY BOOKS on this, to replace your memories.
Past is only a memory, not a reality.
Any childhood trauma is only in your head not in your reality.
Any early youth tragedy is only in your head not in your reality.
Take responsibility to make yourself happy today on your own.

– Study parenting books,
– Study self-help books,
– Study personality development books,
– Study books on human behavior
– Study books on Friendship, relationships,
– Study books on animal caring
– Study every possible book …
– Study from YouTube for these,
– Meet every possible mentor you can

Do these things in your home alone,
– watch cartoon films,
– play childish games with your’s/other’s children,
– live your 2nd childhood fully along with your children,
– have a pet dog/cat/parrot/fish/rabbit …
– live your childhood, who is stopping you now,
– fulfill all your childhood wishes,
– do all what you would want you have done in your childhood
etc etc …

Of course, don’t do these things before general public or they will say you are mentally retarded, and put you in asylum for their own safety. Take care of your youth image, your elder image. Be yourself, and at the same time take care of the decorum, the law & order of society.

You have a lot of Emotional Issues,
and everybody around you also have a lot of emotional issues, they just hide it.
Maybe same, but mostly different.

Emotional Issues:
– Childhood trauma
– Daddy issues
– Mommy issues
– Sibling issues
– Abandonment
– Childhood bullying
– Teenage crush
– College ragging
– College crush
– Office humiliation
– Unrequited love
– Heart breaks, Terrible break-ups
– Depressing Failures
– Nervous breakdowns
– Body issues
– Different types of insecurities
– etc etc …

Solution :
– Read & study books on this,
– Watch YouTube videos,
– Write Journals, write your heart out,
– Discuss with some “trustworthy” friends,
– Discuss with your mentor / Life coach,

First do all above, then later on you may :
– Take counselling,
– Take therapy,
etc etc …

Understanding Others’ Emotional Issues :
Everybody you see in your life has gone through some sort problems/issues/traumas/tragedies.
Nobody is exception, life *teaches* everybody, and life take *test* of everybody.
You, your parents, grand-parents, brothers, sisters, school friends, your teachers, college mates, office colleagues, mentors, neighbours, strangers, everybody on earth, and you again … have gone through hardships, still going, and will go through more in the future.
Also, if any or all of these past people (especially: parents, siblings, …) are still in your life, know that they also have many many such or may be even more terrible issues with them. If you know their actual scenario, you would not want to exchange your troubles with them. You don’t realize and think that they must behave perfect with you. Many times they also don’t realize their own issues, because life is going fast with responsibilities & problems. Many times they are unaware, and they don’t know what is happening, and why they are such ? If they know, they will rarely tell you because they have to save their public image. If they knew they would have taken steps to cure it. Ask their personal history / background / origin / past life / childhood / teenage / youth.
You can ask emotional issues with your close ones, but they will tell you only when they trust you with their life, and when they have complete faith that you will save their public image, and the relationship between you two remain unaffected and will even grow strong. Have compassion for all of them. Never use this to put them down, or never tell this to any other person. It should be a secret between you two.

God & Universe helps you like a guardian, but at the same time you have to be willing to ask help, take help, and follow the instructions.

If you have anything to say/ask, please say/ask in comments. I’ll be glad to read &/or answer.

2 thoughts on “Replace Your Memories

    • Thanks for appreciation.
      At 18, you are grown-up, but not experienced. 10 years is more than sufficient time to establish yourself from scratch, whatever is the previous scenario. Then you are not eligible to blame parents/teachers or other people etc.
      At 28 you are at the peak of your youth energy, without any parenting/employment responsibilities.

      And it is about psychology of the human mind, nothing about religion.
      Universe gives abundance of opportunities, but but when people are stuck in their memories, they don’t perceive anything in present.


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