Joy of Taking

A tree can only deliver mangoes,
a seed cannot deliver mangoes.

bonsai mango tree

A tree can only deliver mangoes,
a seed cannot deliver mangoes.
& there is a transition from seed to tree.
Else, it would be reduced to a bonsai tree,
with low productivity for a small time period and too much effort.

So, develop yourself first. Receiving is also necessary. Giving & taking is process of the world. Give according to your own level & give only to the needy. And don’t give what you don’t have. Self caring is not selfish, it’s developing self for giving better later. After becoming a prosperous producer you become a giver. Giving when you are not capable, is suicidal. e.g. blood from Anemic. And most of the people are empty, they don’t have much to give, so they give only what small things they have, they give in a limited way. And they ask and receive to develop themselves as producers and hence as givers.

Taking is also giving. As by taking from producers you are giving them an opportunity to serve. Taking Help = Giving Thanks !! So receive gratefully. So when you are not capable, give others the joy of giving, and at that time you take the joy of taking, keeping in mind that you have to develop yourself for the joy of giving in future. Move in that direction. A child only takes from his parents & gives them an opportunity to serve & the joy of giving. And when the child becomes adult, he takes the opportunity to serve parents & the joy of giving to parents.

You have to become a Giver in the End.
You have to become capable to give,
but before that become capable to produce,
and before that become capable to receive,
and before that become capable to take,
and before that become capable to ask,
and before that become capable to observe & understand yourself.

Receiving is when things are given to you, while taking is when you take efforts to gain something. Hence, initially one has to take efforts to develop oneself capable.
For that time receive, more appropriately take from all sources & become a producer.
For this only education system exists, Teachers/Guru exists.

Joy of Taking

e.g. First become a receiver of Joy, then a Producer of Joy, and then become a Giver of Joy. You cannot give what you don’t have, and you cannot give by starving. So become a Prosperous Producer, fulfill yourself first and then fulfill others. If you stop at fulfilling yourself, then it is greed.

Also, you can become a giver at your own level.
Everybody can give something.
If you cannot give money, give wisdom.
If you cannot give wisdom, give time.
If you cannot give time, give smile.

I call this:

Family Love = < Money, Wisdom, Time, Smile >
with respect to :
Family = < Elder Brother, Aged Father, Aged Mother, Married Little Sister >

Also, don’t ask those people to give, who don’t have the capability to give that particular thing.
Those who have Anemia, cannot donate blood.
Those who are irritated in their own life, cannot give you happiness.
Those who are struggling with poverty, cannot give you money.
Those who are novice/naive/beginner in some profession cannot give you expertise.
Those who are novice/naive/beginner in Life Experiences cannot give you wisdom.
Those who are busy with something more important than you, cannot give you time.
Those who are engaged in their own mind, cannot give a smile.
And don’t feel bad when they don’t give it to you, because they don’t have it at all.
Ask God/Universe, he has everything & he will provide you from other different sources, fulfill you in everyway possible.

At the end, ask yourself:

Are you Happy, Satisfied & Comfortable in your own Life, with your own self ?

The answer should be:
YES !! Absolutely Yes !!
and if it is not, it is your own responsibility and yours alone 🙂
Take efforts for that. Learn, read books.

So care for everybody, and care for yourself as you care for everybody.
Leaders don’t eat last, and leaders don’t eat first.
Leaders eat along with everybody and make sure that everybody gets to eat.

Your Compassion should include yourself.
Read the story of The Busy Cobbler.

Thankful for inputs from Prof. Ramesh Bijlani

4 thoughts on “Joy of Taking

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